The Super Sleuth


     I personally felt that the Super Sleuth wasn’t very “Super”, nor were they versatile.  As a result, I have taken and modified into equivalent and lesser skills, a few minor powers from the Powers Unlimited sourcebook I thought would be great for the Super Sleuth.  I hope these additions and a few modifications I have done make the Super Sleuth a little more “Super”.

     For simplicity purposes, I have retyped the whole category here for ease of reference.


Step One: The Usual


     Attributes: Determine as usual.  However, write in pencil, because they will be adjusted with bonuses from many skills.  In addition, some attributes have been increased by the Sleuths lifestyle.  Attribute bonuses that follow are one-time bonuses.


     +1 point to I.Q.

     +1D6 to M.E.

     +1D4 to M.A.


     Hit Points: P.E. attribute +1D6 per level of experience.

     S.D.C.: Determine the character’s S.D.C. last, because the final amount will be altered with skill bonuses.  Super Sleuths start with a base S.D.C. of 40.


Step Two: Education & Skills


     Education is fairly specialized, with a primary emphasis of expertise in research, investigation and criminal sciences.  DO NOT roll to determine Education Level.  The Super Sleuth has the following skill programs.  No replacements are available.


Common & General Skills

Pilot Automobile (+10%)

Pilot: One of Choice (+20%; basic and advanced available)

Mathematics: Basic (+25%)

Speak Native Language 98%

Read/Write Native Language (+25%)

Language: One of Choice (+15%)

2D4+3 Secondary Skills


Detective/Law Enforcement Program

Hand to Hand: Basic (Expert costs one Detective skill or two Secondary skills)

W.P. Auto Pistol or Revolver

Radio: Basic (+20%)

Computer Operation (+30%)

Tailing (+25%)

Criminal Science (+20%)

Law, General (+20%)

Intelligence (+20%)

Interrogation (+15%)

Research (+20%)

Surveillance Systems (+20%)

T.V./Video (+15%) or Photography (+20%)


Rogue Program

Find Contraband (+20%)

Streetwise (+20%)

Rogue/Espionage: Two of Choice (+10%)


One Scholastic Program of Choice

Equal to Three Years of College/Trade School (+15%)


Special Skills & Abilities


   Criminal Intuition: This sleuth has an eye for crime and can sniff out trouble.  They can recognize crime when they see one happening or about to happen.  This means the sleuth will notice a mugger/purse snatcher lurking in shadows, or stalking his intended victim.  Not only do they recognize a crime as it unfolds, they also know how con games work, how people are usually involved and how it will probably unfold.

   Likewise, when the sleuth meets someone, they can instantly sense if the person is a low level or upper level criminal.  But they do not know exactly what the criminal does or their exact level.  Furthermore, common criminals like drug dealers, gang members, enforcers, prostitutes, muggers, etc. stand out to this sleuth like a neon sign.  Likewise, they immediately recognize an undercover cop, police tail and surveillance team on sight.  Only the best and most experienced (6th level+) criminal or law enforcement personnel may go by unnoticed to this sleuth.

   This ability also allows the sleuth to recognize a crime scene on sight, even if it has been mostly cleaned and straightened or disguised (seeing clues and evidence here and there like a CSI Detective).  From this they can use their Criminal Science skill to imagine how the crime unfolded, who the victim was, what happened to the victim and how many people were involved in the crime.  This includes concluding facts about fatalities and where the body(s) may been hidden.  This is all done through examination of the crime scene and their knowledge of Police Science.  Additionally, they can tell if the crime was the doing of an amateur, a crime of passion, a professional, or organized crime syndicate or government agent(s).

   In addition, the sleuth can sense if he is being targeted as a victim of a crime, as long as he can see his assailant.  Once the sleuth knows they are targeted, they can use Criminal Science to deduce where the crime will likely happen.  The sleuth also can tell if they are being followed when they see someone and also recognizes when they are being set up (whether looking at an area or if a person asks the sleuth to meet them someplace).  The sleuth also recognizes dangerous areas/neighborhoods on sight.  Bonus: A one-time bonus of +10% to Criminal Science, Intelligence and Streetwise applies.

     Presented here are new skills and/or abilities available to the Super Sleuth, with a revision to an old skill.  Select a total of two for the character.


1.     Computer Hacking (+30%): Same as the Rogue skill; If this skill is selected if functions like the Hardware: Electrical Genius’ Computer Hacking skill—this means it can reach over 100% and the same penalties apply when hacking.  However, this skill grows at a rate of 5% per level of experience, instead of the Electrical Genius’ 1% per level of experience.

2.     Recognize Fabrication: The sleuth’s keen eye for details, as well as possible expertise in those areas, enables him to see through disguises and impersonations, recognize forgeries and hear through voice imitations.  Base Skill: 46% +4% per level of experience.

3.     Photographic Memory: The character can remember any factual data with remarkable detail.  They remember nearly all things they have read, heard, seen and/or experienced, within the last three months.  The sleuth can recall specific blocks of information at will, with perfect detail, within the three month period.  Roll on the following table to recall things longer than three months ago:

 01-66% Remembers every detail, much of it word for word.

 67-90% Details are forgotten, but the full essence of ideas and the most important details are clear.

 91-00% Can only recall the most basic concepts/general ideas and intention, no solid or exact details.

4.     Read Expressions: This character intuitively understands facial expressions and body language in intimate detail.  They can gauge many body indicators through simple observations, including breathing rate, temperature, perspiration, twitches, subtle movements/gestures, etc.  With this the sleuth might be able to tell the following:

1.    The subject’s general emotion (calm, sad, happy, angry, scared, confused, etc.).

2.    Lying or telling the truth.  However, this is not always accurate; roll percentile.  01-60% Is reasonably sure.  61-89% Uncertain, but thinks the subject is one or the other.  90-00% Absolutely certain and correct.

3.    If the subject is healthy or hut.  No exact diagnosis, but can tell if the subject is suffering serious (H.P.), moderate (H.P.), minor (S.D.C.) or insignificant (S.D.C.) injury.

4.    Exhausted or fresh and strong.

5.    Suffering from illness, internal injury blood loss, drugs or insanity.

6.    Tensing for an attack or flight.


Step Three: Budget & Equipment


     The type and amount of equipment is limited by the Sleuths budget.  Determine budget by rolling on the table that follows.  Then flip to the equipment section to start buying.  Remember though, that at least 30% of the money must be spent on things that will aid in investigation (listening devices, cameras, optic systems, sensors, etc), 10% spent on weapons and at least 15% spent on other relevant items for detective work.  As much as 45% can be saved for later purchases.




01-15 $10,000

16-29 $15,000

30-45 $20,000

46-60 $30,000

61-75 $40,000

76-89 $50,000

90-00 $60,000


     Note: Presumably, the sleuth has already spent 2D4×$10k equipping his crime lab.  This lab facility includes things like microscopes, light-boards, chemical analyzers, darkroom and a, if not many, personal computers and/or laptops, with all the necessary peripherals (printer, scanners, etc.).

     The Sleuth also owns an American made, sedan automobile that is 2D4 years old.  Great for surveillance—its common and inconspicuous.


Other Stuff


     Alignment: Any, alignment can be chosen, but heroes tend to be of good alignment.

     Structural Damage Capacity (S.D.C.): Noted earlier.

     Hand to Hand Combat: Noted earlier.

     Attacks per Melee: Like normal.

     Weapons & Armor: Only conventional things available.

     Option: The Super Sleuth may give up all of their special skills to get the following psi powers: Object Reading, Speed Reading, Precognition and Machine Ghost.  They have a base I.S.P. of M.E.+1D4×10 and they get 1D6 additional I.S.P. per level of experience; they are considered a Latent Psychic.

     Reputation: If a vigilante, the police look at the sleuth as a potentially dangerous (although well intentioned), criminal.  If anything, they are likely to have up to 5D6% of the local P.D. on his/her side as sympathizers who will look the other way or who make no genuine effort to apprehend/stop the sleuth.