Wampyr R.C.C.


     Vampires believe they are beings of unprecedented power, ability and beings of perfection, superior in any way to those they consider being “lowly” creatures.  Most don’t realize that a new breed walks amongst them.  A breed that utterly loathes and hates vampires for what they did to them.  Vampires don’t realize that sometimes, just sometimes they can be responsible for breathing life into these monsters—even the very thought of spawning a being born a mutant and a freak to all vampires is taboo.  Born with an unsatisfying loathing and hating for all vampires (including themselves at times), the Wampyr knows what happened to them and by their very nature, they know they have been violated.  The Wampyr is a mutated breed of vampire and that true vampires see as freaks and weaklings of the Dark Nation.  To them, it does not matter anyway, because they know vampires will never accept them and the feeling is, dare I say, more so mutual.

     Unlike true vampires, Wampyrs do not lose touch with the human side they once were.  Wampyrs retain all memories and the ability to feel just like humans.  However, they know they are cursed.  They know they have been violated by vampires, turned into a perverse species that many see as monstrous.  It is because of this that Wampyrs usually turn to a life dedicated to the eradication of Vampire kind.  In turn, this is one of the main reasons why vampires loathe and despise them.

     Vampires hate Wampyrs for many reasons as well.  First, is the fact that even though this mutant has transformed in some way, the vampire does not have control of them.  Second, the very nature of Wampyrs allows them to still have the luxury of death—a luxury many vampires consider so prized.  Third and finally, even though they do not become a genuine vampire, a Wampyr still gains powers of a vampire—they inherit the gift without getting the curse; a notion that breeds the most envy in any vampire. 


 Alignment: Any, except Principled.

 Attributes: IQ +10, ME +6, MA (both) +8, PS +20, PP +10, PE +10, PB +4, Spd +20.

 Hit Points: +5D6+20 and an additional +1 Hit Point more per level of experience.

 S.D.C.: +100 and an additional 1D4 per level of experience.

 Horror Factor: 12 to Vampires and 8 to anyone else; add +1 to both at levels 5, 10 and 15.

 P.P.E.: +1D4×10.


A Monster…


     What makes a Wampyr a monster (in their eyes and most ignorant people anyway), is the fact that they are vampire-like.  All Wampyrs automatically have the following vampire traits.


1.     Bloodlust: Though still mortal (not necessarily human), a Wampyr inherits the vampires Bloodlust.  They do not need as much blood as true vampires though, nonetheless, they need to feed on blood to live.  A Wampyr needs only a one-quarter the normal amount that vampires need and they need this every 72 hours, instead of every 48 hours.  The bright side to this is that Wampyrs no longer need to eat or drink normal food and drink anymore.  They still breathe like humans though, it is just that their body now needs different nutrients than a normal human needs and these nutrients are obtained from blood.  Wampyrs also have the tools to get this blood, inherited straight from the immortals themselves—fangs.  See “A Vampire’s Bite”, in the “A Lust for Blood” section of vampires for more details.  And for simplicity purposes, 1/3 of a pint of blood is the same as a full plate of food to a human (and just for your information, as food is to humans, Wampyrs can starve to death if they do not feed—they also feel hungry like humans, they just need blood instead of food).  Unlike Vampires, a Wampyr does not have a natural ability to smell blood.

   Note: Like true Vampires, Wampyrs need real human blood; there is no kind of synthetic made medicine/chemicals that can be so close to real blood that it can be a substitute.  Because of this, Wampyrs feel as though they are monsters—at least their sick cousins, vampires, can shrug off their humanity, because they are born knowing nothing else or have undergone the full transformation from human to vampire, leaving them basically no shred of humanity left.

2.     Aberration: Though not completely human, a Wampyr it seems is not necessarily supernatural either.  If read through a See Aura or other detecting ability, a Wampyr will be seen as having “an aberration” and even a “sickness” if a Wampyr felt as though they are an abomination.

   They no longer have chi in their body, but they seem to heal anyway and they still retain P.P.E.  This is common to almost any supernatural creatures—however, Wampyrs still register a human.

3.     Slight Loss of Humanity: When turned into a Wampyr, it will seem as if, for no reason, a lot of good, happy memories have been lost.  Furthermore, as they grow up, it becomes very hard to retain happy or good memories unless; they involve a thing or person in which the Wampyr sees daily.  It is because of this that most Wampyrs have a pessimistic perception of the world, in general.  If Wampyr was born a Wampyr, they have to have lived with this pessimistic view all their life—while all this time, they know something is wrong with them.

   Also, if the character had any natural powers or abilities, like psychic powers, human traits or super powers, they no longer have them.  In effect, the character’s natural ability and power lies in the fact that they are half vampire.

   The worst side to a Wampyr’s loss of humanity is that living as a half vampire—feeling the urges and instincts vampires do and at the same time, being half human—Wampyrs still have a human’s ability to feel.  Feeling those human feelings and not forgetting their former life, Wampyrs have more to cope with than any human has. Many become cold and recluse, but like a catatonic, they still feel everything.  In most cases, this takes a huge toll on them.

   When determining Sanity Points take the Wampyr’s M.E. and half it — the number you get is a Wampyr’s permanent Sanity Point total.  They no longer gain more Sanity Points as they go up in levels half their M.E. is their permanent Sanity Points.

4.     Echelon: Effectively, there are two types of Wampyrs.  It should be noted whether or not they were born a Wampyr or if they were bitten and unsuccessfully turned into a Wampyr.  If the specific condition is right, they may have additional points to spend on certain powers unavailable to other Echelons.  The following is a list of the Echelons—corresponding abilities are listed under “Wampyr Natural Powers”, in which only certain Echelons may select.

   Master Echelon:  A human only becomes a Master Echelon under only one condition.  A mother is bitten and killed or is turned into a vampire, while she is pregnant.  If her newborn is saved before she dies, the baby is a Master Echelon.

   Secondary Echelon: When a Secondary Vampire creates an unsuccessful vampire—i.e. they bite someone (to intentionally turn them or not) and they fail to create a Secondary Vampire or Wild Vampire.  In the alternative, Secondary Echelons can be created if a Master Echelon Wampyr has the ability to bite and turn victims—see “Wampyric Bite” for more information.

5.     Clan Association: Though not from a clan, Wampyrs get some of the abilities of the clan from which they were created from.  When creating a Wampyr, players have an additional 4 points to spend, exclusively, on abilities from the clan they are from.  Though not associated with that clan, Wampyrs still has some of their “genetics”.  Points spent on Wampyr powers can be used to buy additional Clan powers if desired.  However, all points used to buy powers here may not be used by additional Wampyr powers.

   Alverna Clan: Blood Storage (4), Mistmorph (6).

   Celespire Clan: Psychic & Magically Inclined (4).

   Kashe Clan: Supernatural Strength (6), Exceptional Prowess (8), Hyper Regeneration (4 w/“Regeneration”; 6 w/Convalesce and 12 without either).

   Kausti Clan: Agemorph (6), Lesser Bloodlust (8).

   Kojikai Clan: Superior Speed (10), Superior Endurance (6), and Mist Control (8).

   Lemouri Clan: Exceptional Beauty or Charisma (8).

   Mogwari Clan: Superhuman Strength (4), Canine Morph (6) Canine Control (6) or both Canine Abilities can be selected if the player is also willing to take the Feral weakness.

   Von Endar Clan: Superior Intelligence (8), Superior Will (8), Fear Factor (12), Dark Avian Morph (4) or if the player takes the weakness Weak, they may choose to get either Dark Avian Morph and Fear Factor free or both the Superiors free.

6.     Bonuses: In addition to the above abilities, there is a good side to being a Wampyr.  They get similar bonuses to those of vampires.  The degree and amount of bonuses they receive is a matter of which Echelon they are.

   Master Echelon: +5 attacks per melee, +6 on initiative, +6 to all perception rolls, +2 vs. Magic, +8 vs. Horror Factor, +6 to save vs. Psychic Attacks.  They get +1 to save vs. Magic at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15; +1 to save vs. Horror Factor 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15; and +1 vs. Psychic Attacks at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.  As a bonus, Master Echelons start with +4 points to spend on powers.

   Secondary Echelon: +3 attacks per melee, +4 on initiative, +4 to all perception rolls, +1 vs. Magic, +6 vs. Horror Factor, +4 to save vs. Psychic Attacks.  They get +1 to save vs. Magic at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15; +1 to save vs. Horror Factor 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15; and +1 vs. Psychic Attacks at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.


Wampyr Natural Powers & Vulnerabilities


     To start a Wampyr has 10 points to spend on powers.  They may select more powers at the cost of becoming more vampire like; selecting a weakness adds points to spend on powers.  An ability with a “(ME)” means it is only available to the Master Echelon and those with “(SE)” are available only to Secondary Echelons.  The numbers in parenthesis is the point cost/bonus.


The Powers:


1.     Immunities (4): Exactly the same as a Vampire’s.

2.     Limited A.R. (6/ME; 4/SE): With respect to what kind of Echelon a Wampyr is, this power costs and functions the same as either a Master or Secondary Vampire’s Limited A.R.

3.     Regeneration (8): Exactly the same as a Vampire’s.

4.     Convalesce (6): This is a mild type of Regeneration; it is cheaper but still effective.  Instead of a Vampire’s 4D6 S.D.C. per melee, this Wampyr recovers 2D6 S.D.C. or Hit Points per minute.  While this isn’t as good as a Vampire’s Regeneration, it is still extremely effective and useful.

   If the Wampyr has The Heart vulnerability, Master Echelons recover 2 Heart S.D.C. per minute, if a Secondary Echelon it’s 1 Heart S.D.C. per minute.

5.     Nightvision (2): Exactly the same as the Vampire’s.  This combined with Sun Sensitivity has special properties.

6.     Wampyr Domination (4/ME): Though not useable on a true Vampire, it imposes its will on any Familiars or Wampyrs the character created.  This effectively functions like a Master Vampire’s Domination ability.  The only difference is that the modifier to save is for every level over/under a Wampyr is.

7.     Wampyr Familiars (6): This ability is only available if a Wampyr possesses the Limited Armor Rating power.  Similar, the powers granted are akin to the Echelon the Wampyr is.

8.     Wampyric Bite (4/ME): Essentially, all Wampyric bite attacks function the same as a Vampire’s.  However, Wampyrs (normally) cannot turn others with a bite.  This power negates that aspect.  Those with this ability have a 3% chance to turn a victim with a bite, if they do not intend on turning them, but if they want to turn the person intentionally, they must drain half of the person’s blood.  Within a single day (24 hours later), the bit person will be a full-fledged Secondary Echelon.  However, unlike a Vampire’s ability to turn, Wampyr turning is unstable (at best)—it is extremely rare for the new Echelon to have the exact same powers and weaknesses of their creator.

   If a player’s character becomes a Wampyr, they get to select their own weaknesses and powers.  This is why the powers of the creator rarely duplicate.

9.     Psi-Powers (Special): Master Echelons may select super psionic powers (8 points per power) or minor psionic powers (4 points per power) and are considered Master Psychics.  If a Secondary Echelon, they may only select minor psi powers (6 points per power) and they are considered Major Psychics.

10. Human Nature (8/SE): Available only to the Secondary Echelon, this power lets the Wampyr disregard the Slight Loss of Humanity aspect.  They get to keep all their previous human powers, traits or psychic powers and do have any memory loss at all.  As a bonus, the Wampyr uses their previous experience table when determining level advancement.  However, Sanity Point loss is still present—their Sanity Points is still their M.E. halved.


The Vulnerabilities:


1.     Sunlight (10): Exactly the same as a Vampire’s.

2.     Sun Sensitivity (4): A mild version of the vulnerability to Sunlight, this power makes a Wampyr’s eyes sensitive to light in general.  The character may only see normally on overcast days, foggy days, at night or similar darkness.  On clear days, when a Wampyr wears protective eye gear, a Wampyr has the following penalties: -1 attack per melee, -2 to combat rolls and -5% to all skills.  Without protective gear, the Wampyr cannot see (is considered blind).  Even at night, to this Wampyr it will seem as if it is a clear sunny day.  They are likely to constantly wear protective eye gear.  Suddenly exposing a Wampyr to an intense light (like waving a flashlight in their face) has similar effects to wearing protective eye gear during the day; this has little effect if they are wearing protective eye gear at night.

   One the bright side, Wampyrs with this vulnerability have a limited nightvision range of 50 feet; combined with the power of Nightvision, a Wampyr can see at night, ×2 as far as normal humans can see in the day.  Limited Nightvision is only usable when not wearing protective eye gear.

3.     Silver (4): Functions the same as a Vampire’s.  However, this vulnerability may only be taken when the Wampyr power Limited Armor Rating (either) is taken.

4.     Hyper Silver Sensitive (6): Works exactly the same as a Vampire’s Silver vulnerability, only the Limited Armor Rating does not have to be taken.

5.     Garlic (6): Exactly the same as the Vampire’s.

6.     The Heart (10): Exactly the same as the Vampire’s.  The Wampyr will have S.D.C. for their heart equal to their P.E.

7.     Human Essence (10): They still need blood and are still “Aberrations”.  However, the transformation left their physical body unchanged.  Ignore the attribute bonuses, S.D.C bonuses, Hit Point bonuses and any combat bonuses they automatically receive.  Anything they receive as a result of Clan Association (including weaknesses), Powers or Weaknesses still apply.

8.     Vampiric Urge (SE/8/12): Regardless of how much they try, as it is for this Wampyr, the natural instincts and urges of true vampires haunt them.  The psychological and sociological behavioral patterns are innate in this Wampyr making them an evil being.  Select either Miscreant or Diabolic alignment and half the existing Sanity Points—effectively making ¼ of their M.E. their permanent Sanity Point total.  Because the Wampyr is aware their measurement of morale they once possessed, the fact that they cannot control vile vampiric urges means coping with even more than normal.

  Note: This is a very hard weakness to play, GM’s and players alike should be warned—those with this weakness do not want to be evil, it is the fact that their natural urges and instincts tell them to do things they would otherwise not do.  This character is haunted by the thoughts and emotions that go with doing an evil thing contrary to their true nature.


Optional Double Edged Aspects


     Double Edged Aspects are aspects that are available to any Wampyr.  Each has pros and cons that are so balanced they are not powers or weaknesses.  It would be unsuitable to make the Aspect a power to pay for or a weakness to gain more points.

     However, a note to players, there is a reason these aspects are considered to have a double edge.


1.     Vampiric Nature: A truer double edged aspect was never so prominent.   With this aspect, the Wampyr seemingly “talks the talk and walks the walk.”  They are able to walk amongst their enemies and seem like one of them.  While this seems as if it is a good idea, it works both ways.  Any person with Lore: Vampires recognizes the character as a Vampire!

     The character now radiates a supernatural evil aura and can be sensed by Sense Evil.  For all purposes and intent, they are considered a true vampire — a very bad thing and a very good thing at the same time.

2.     Immortality: Same as the Vampire's.  While this may be very enticing initially, like a Vampire, after many years of the Wampyr watching everyone he knows passing away, they will usually begin to feel forsaken and jealous of humans, the same way vampires feel after a while.


Wampyr R.C.C.

Also Known As: Half-Breeds, Vamp Hunters and Accursed.

Alignment Restrictions: As stated previously.

Attribute Requirements/Bonuses:  As stated previously.

R.C.C. Programs:  Players may roll on the education table or if GMs allows it, they may select an appropriate Education Level to go with the Wampyrs' background.  Also, no matter where they come from, all Wampyrs get the Lore: Vampire skill with a +40% to start, free.

      Note: The following programs receive a bonus of +10%:

Bounty Hunter Program

Slayer/Supernatural Hunting Program

Secondary Skills: Select 1D6+4.  Some skills are not usually available as secondary skills, but MIGHT be made available if there is a reasonable explanation for it.

Optional: If a GM agrees, players can select for their character an O.C.C. or a P.C.C.; effectively giving them just the skills from that character class.  It’s more useful if they plan to get the Wampyr ability “Human Nature”.


Wampyr R.C.C. Experience Level Table


Level - Experience Points


1)       0,000 – 3,000

2)       3,001 – 6,000

3)       6,001 – 12,000

4)       12,001 – 24,000

5)       24,001 – 44,000

6)       44,001 – 64,000

7)       64,001 – 84,000

8)       84,001 – 105,000

9)       105,001 – 135,000

10)    135,001 – 160,000

11)    160,001 – 200,000

12)    200,001 – 250,000

13)    250,001 – 300,000

14)    300,001 – 400,000

15)    400,001 – 1,000,000